The University of Southampton

Process name changes for the new academic year

Two processes have been renamed to ensure a ‘student-first’ approach to administration processes, taking effect from the new academic year.  

Three people walking down a red brick path in front of the Hartley library, a large redbrick building.

The Student Experience Process Transformation project has made these changes as part of its efforts to simplify student administration processes to offer students and staff an accessible and consistent University experience.  What’s changed for the new academic year? 

The names of two processes have been updated using student-centered language to make them easier to understand: 

‘Suspension’ has become ‘Pause in Study’  

This new name moves away from the negative connotations associated with ‘suspension’ from compulsory education, and more accurately reflects the supportive nature of the absence process.  

‘Academic Integrity’ has become ‘Academic Responsibility and Conduct’ 

The abbreviation of Academic Integrity, (AI), has long been confused with Artificial Intelligence, suggesting that an update was needed. The new name was chosen through a student consultation and makes use of more ‘student-friendly’ language.  

Part of the Education and Student Experience Programme, the Student Experience Process Transformation project involves collaboration with students, and colleagues from our Faculties and Schools and Professional Services. It supports the achievement of Goal 4 of the Student Experience Strategic Plan, which focuses on simplifying processes and removing friction to ensure a best-in-class student administration function.  

Building on project success 

Last year the project updated the Special Considerations process, leading to a 50% increase in student satisfaction. This involved the automated acknowledgment of a Special Considerations request, meaning students now receive this immediately, as opposed to waiting up to 30 days, as they had done prior to this work. Previously, under the regulations, Special Considerations cases were held until end of the semester boards, meaning there were sometimes long delays for students in getting an outcome to their case. Following changes made by the project, 38% of students are now receiving an in-semester decision. 

What’s next? 

During the academic year ahead, the project will focus on reviews of the following processes: 

  • Pause in Study and Return to Study  
  • Module Registration 
  • Academic Responsibility and Conduct 
  • Student Support Review 
  • Implementation of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) 
  • Programme Change 

Find out more about the Student Experience Process Transformation project on our SharePoint site 

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