The University of Southampton

Timetables now available (2024/25)

Timetables for the 2024/25 academic year are now available. 

You can access your timetable via SUSSED, the My Southampton app, or directly on the timetable page. If you are a new student, your compulsory course induction activity will also be available on your timetable.

Understanding your timetable 

You can view your timetable by day, week, month, or semester. Read the dedicated Knowledge Base article on how to understand your timetable. 

Please note, timetables are subject to change throughout the year, so it’s worth checking regularly in case of changes. Every effort will be made to keep you updated with any changes. 

Timetable clashes 

There may be activities in your timetable that are scheduled at the same time or overlap. View this Knowledge Base article to find out more about resolving timetable clashes. 

Missing teaching sessions 

If you believe your timetable is missing teaching sessions, some small group activities are allocated to the timetable once students have arrived. This may include Personal Academic Tutor sessions and lab groups. 

Personalised iCalendar feed 

Personalised iCalendar timetable feeds are available. To get your iCal, follow the ‘get your calendar feed now’ link on the My Timetable page to generate and access your personal feed. 

Further timetabling information and support 

If you are missing a session from your timetable, or for any other timetabling concerns, view the Timetabling Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Curriculum and Timetabling team at 

If you have issues accessing your timetable, please email 

You can also download the My Southampton app to discover other free events and activities. 


You will need to record your attendance to all your timetabled teaching through MyEngagement, an attendance monitoring tool integrated with the SEAtS 2024 app used to enable University staff to support students. MyEngagement is linked to your University timetable and will show you a personalised dashboard where you can check in to all timetabled activities. Visit the Knowledge Base to find out how to use SEAtS 2024 

The Student Hub  

If you have any questions or concerns about your course or need any support, don’t forget The Student Hub are here for you 24/7. You can speak to a member of our friendly team by phoning 02380 599 599, emailing, using the online chat, or coming to see them on campus 

Find out more about how The Student Hub can support you by watching the video below. 

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