On Thursday 9 January over 600 colleagues joined us for the Vice-Chancellor’s 2025 Strategy Town Hall, and we are now pleased to share the content of that meeting, both for those who were unable to attend, and for anyone who would like to re-watch any part of the Vice-Chancellor’s presentation.
In this meeting, the Vice-Chancellor, along with Wendy Appleby (Vice-President Operations), gave his annual update on our Strategy and our current position, and provided colleagues with the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas, and align on the vision and goals that will shape our future.
Thank you to those of you who persevered through the technical issues we had with Microsoft Teams on the day – we are working with iSolutions and our partners to understand the cause of the problems we experienced.
Strategy Town Hall content
As a reminder, the content of this meeting is commercial in confidence, which means you are welcome to speak to University of Southampton colleagues about what you heard in the meeting, but you are asked to not share any of the contents with those external to the University. For this reason, it is not possible to download any of the files linked above.
Local meetings
Following this initial Strategy update session, the Vice-Chancellor will hold online meetings with each School and with grouped Professional Services, to provide a further opportunity for colleagues to speak directly with him and raise any topics they may wish to discuss, from a local perspective. At these meetings the Vice-Chancellor will give a short 5-10 minute summary of the presentation above, therefore you are encouraged to engage with the contents of the meeting in whatever way is most suitable for you, before attending your local meeting.
Why attend?
Joining the local meetings enables you to speak directly with our Vice-Chancellor and take the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, gain a greater understanding of where we’re headed as an organisation and the context in which we are operating, and understand the decisions made by leadership to implement our strategy.