With semester two approaching, you might be thinking about improving your employability prospects for life after university, considering the career paths you might want to pursue, or getting a part-time job to supplement your income. With a wide variety of opportunities, events, and support, Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise have got you covered.
Start with the Successful Futures Pathway
Before diving into the many opportunities available this semester, start with the Successful Futures Pathway. This online tool helps you reflect on your skills, identify areas for growth, and plan your next steps. By completing the Pathway, you will have your very own action plan, signposting opportunities within and outside of your curriculum that suit your career ambitions.
Find out more about the Successful Futures Pathway via the Knowledge Base article, which includes a video tutorial. We recommend completing the Pathway via MyCareer as soon as possible to make the most out of your results and get ahead in your career journey.
Explore your opportunities
Student Innovation Projects
Develop your skills and enhance your employability prospects with Student Innovation Projects, where you will work on a real business challenge. Open to students from all courses, you would be working between four and six hours a week over four weeks. put forward by local businesses or non-profit organisations.
Projects open for applications until Sunday 26 January include:
- Energy efficient housing and funding – working with a charity providing affordable housing in Winchester in improving energy efficiency in their houses
- Developing an interactive digital patient information template – working with a hand surgeon passionate about patient education looking for a solution to display resources on mobile phones in an engaging manner
- Expanding arts for those living with dementia – working with the largest performing arts organisation in Hampshire on expanding their current art project developed for people living with dementia
Spring Careers Fairs
The upcoming Spring Careers Fairs are a great opportunity to meet a range of employers and industry professionals to learn about job opportunities, internships, and graduate schemes:
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Spring Careers Fair – Monday 10 February, 10:30-15:30, Garden Court B40
- All-Sector Careers Fair – Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 February, 10:30-15:30, Garden Court B40
Further study
Have you considered postgraduate study? Studying a master’s or a doctorate allows you to further specialise in your chosen field and can enhance your career prospects and personal development.
Come along to our upcoming events to learn more about the postgraduate courses available at Southampton and whether studying for a master’s degree would be right for you – these include:
- Master your next move: Postgraduate Options drop in – Wednesday 26 February, 12:00-14:00
- Master your next move: Postgraduate Course drop in – Wednesday 5 March, 13:00-15:00
You can find out more about the advantages of postgraduate study, including PGR, as well as other upcoming events, on the Further Study site.
UoS Internships and other paid opportunities
Whether you are looking for a way to supplement your income this semester or build your work experience, UoS Internships are the perfect opportunity for you. Exclusively open to University of Southampton students, UoS Internships are short-term work opportunities open throughout the academic year and developed to give you meaningful work experience. Keep checking MyCareer for opportunities to work during the spring break.
If you are looking for a part-time job, make sure you also check the Cost of Living site for resources to find roles that fit alongside your studies.
Student Enterprise
If you want to set up your own business, become freelance, or develop essential enterprise skills, the Student Enterprise Team can help – you can talk to them about your ideas and the support you can get in a 1:1 appointment, which you can book via MyCareer. The team also have a variety of funding opportunities, workshops, and mentoring throughout the year – find out more on the Student Enterprise page.
Find out more
For all these opportunities and more, make sure you are signed up to MyCareer – this is your main portal for fresh career-related events and opportunities throughout the academic year. You can also book appointments to get support with your CV and discuss your options with a specialist Careers Adviser.