The University of Southampton

Introducing the Personal Academic Tutors project

At the University all our students are assigned a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) when they start their studies. Our PATs are key to ensuring our students can thrive whilst at university, yet the role of a PAT is complex and multifaceted.

Hartley Library with University banners on lamposts. In the foreground are grass-like plants and a tree to the left of the image.

From staff and student feedback, we know that the demands on PATs and students’ needs and expectations have been increasing in recent years. In response to this we need to review whether the current PAT model should evolve to better meet those demands.

The project is sponsored by the Vice-President Education Professor Deborah Gill and has input from SUSU and all academic schools and support services. Student feedback will be key in developing recommendations for any changes. The Project has a Steering Group that will approve recommendations to the Education & Student Experience Committee.

The project aims to review our existing PAT model and make recommendations to improve the experience of our PAT support.

Professor Clio Padovani is co-chair of the PAT Steering Group said:

“The PAT role to provide academic and pastoral guidance is one of the key elements in a student’s successful journey through HE studies.  Extensive work has been undertaken around the PAT role previously, through CHEP and EAS projects; this timely and crucial review builds on those findings to co-design a distinctive Southampton experience as the institution evolves and grows, improving consistency of practice, recognition and governance, to add value to the work we do as a student and staff community.”

What has been happening so far

  • We have established a PAT Steering Group with wide membership from across our academic schools and support services.
  • We have identified a group of ‘PAT project champions’ within each academic school who will help to provide feedback and shape the recommendations.
  • We have run workshops with staff and students to understand our existing models of PAT activities and feedback on that difference in practice.
  • We have analysed what models of academic support exist or are being newly adopted across the sector.

Find out more

Please visit the Personal Academic Tutors SharePoint site where you can find out more information.

If you have any questions or feedback for the project, please contact either the project team via [email protected] or your School PAT Champion.

Further updates on the progress of the project will be provided in spring.


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