The University of Southampton

Our 2025 Open Days: Dates and key details

We are pleased to announce that our 2025 Open Days have now been confirmed, and will take place on the following dates:

June | Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 June
September | Sunday 14 September
October | Sunday 5 and Saturday 18 October

Image shows Open Day guests walking underneath an inflatable welcome arch.

Our Undergraduate Open Days will feature representation from all subjects and Highfield Campus, the National Oceanography Centre, Avenue Campus and Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus will all be open for prospective students to explore. Visitors travelling by car will be allocated a space at one of our car parks and shuttle buses will run throughout the day.

Prospective students can currently register their interest to attend via the website, and bookings will open in May 2024Our Open Day SharePoint site contains further information and will continue to be updated as plans progress.

We will be holding separate Winchester School of Art Open Days on the following dates:

June | Saturday 7 June
October | Sunday 5 and Wednesday 29 October
November | Saturday 15 November

These crucial events would not be successful without the support of our academic and professional services staff and their commitment to providing an excellent student experience.

If you would like more information, please contact Sarah Fletcher, Open Day Team Leader on: [email protected]

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