The Conversation editors will be hosting further general media training sessions for University of Southampton academics on Monday 31 March from 14:00-16:00, and Tuesday 27 May from 14:00 to 16:00.
The free sessions, which will be held online, will provide an introduction to The Conversation, how it works, the benefits of writing for the platform, and how to go about it. You can read more about The Conversation on SharePoint.
Please register for the sessions (spaces are limited):
Monday 31 March: Eventbrite
Tuesday 27 May: Eventbrite
The Conversation’s UK edition attracts a global audience of 14 million. It’s an extremely powerful way of boosting your academic profile and getting your research ‘out there’.
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered to the public. Professional editors at The Conversation work with academics to help deliver their knowledge to inform the general public. Content on The Conversation is published under a Creative Commons licence, which means it can be freely republished by other media. It is currently republished in 97 countries and in 30 different languages.