Where to study – Semester one 2023/24
With the exams and assessments period fast approaching, here is a reminder of study spaces old and new that you can use in the next few weeks and...
With the exams and assessments period fast approaching, here is a reminder of study spaces old and new that you can use in the next few weeks and...
We are here for you - 24/7 The Student Hub is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including this winter break. If you need support, you...
Helpful tips for digital assessments and online submissions, including what to do when things don’t go to plan. Submitting assessments...
Your semester one personal assessment timetable will be available via your SUSSED account and the My Southampton app by 17:00 on Thursday 21...
The generic assessment timetable for the upcoming semester one assessment period is ready to download from the University website. The main...