Second stage of pay award implementation in August pay
In August, the University will implement the second stage of this year's national pay outcome. Implementation of this year's outcome was staged, as...
In August, the University will implement the second stage of this year's national pay outcome. Implementation of this year's outcome was staged, as...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
The Outstanding Alumni Awards recognise the achievements of Southampton’s talented alumni across the world and the ongoing contribution they make...
What's happening? Following our SUSSED post of 17 July informing you what would be included on the new Employment Procedures SharePoint site,...
Goal Champions and Leads for the Sustainability Strategic Plan have been sharing progress on the Plan’s six Goals in this year's summer update for...
The embargo period during Confirmation and Clearing 2023 starts at 18:00 today, Monday 31 July and runs to 08:00 on Thursday 17 August. All...
Enhance your writing portfolio skills for AdvanceHE recognition at this one day in-person workshop taking place on Thursday 3 August 09:30 -...
Many of us are working in a hybrid way now. Using Outlook bookings for shared desks means that we can work flexibly and collaboratively utilising a...
As part of the development of the Organisational Excellence Strategic Plan, we recently consulted colleagues across the University through Town Hall...
Research Impact Events in 2022-23, run by the Centre for Homelessness Research and Practice (CHRP), have provided space for researchers from the...