New UEB Blog entry
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
You now have an extra week to shine a spotlight on colleagues who deserve to be recognised for the amazing work they do – the nominations window...
Professor Genia Schönbaumsfeld has been awarded a €2.5 million European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for her five-year project: ‘The...
Dying Matters Awareness Week is a national campaign, supported by Hospice UK, which encourages communities to talk together about death, dying and...
The HR UKVI Staff Compliance team, and the Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service will be jointly holding a series of online webinar sessions...
We are pleased to say that the disruption to water supply to Highfield campus has now largely been resolved and staff and students can return to...
The Campus Kitchen, the University of Southampton’s in-house caterers, are continuing to take steps to understand the environmental impact of our...
There are several workshops and events during May to support learning, teaching and research that are open for all staff to attend. They are not...
The University will be introducing improved bus travel between Winchester School of Art and Southampton campuses. Coming into effect at the start of...
Would you benefit from seed funding? We are pleased to announce the launch of a new round of the Global Partnership Award. Professor Jane...