Marvels of maritime: spring edition of Re:action published
The spring 2023 edition of Re:action has been published – highlighting the University’s marine and maritime strengths. Southampton’s...
The spring 2023 edition of Re:action has been published – highlighting the University’s marine and maritime strengths. Southampton’s...
Gain insights into identifying and supporting learners, discuss the significance of inclusive education practices, and design an inclusive learning...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
The Staff Wellbeing team, part of the Health, Safety & Risk Directorate are delivering events in support of Stress Awareness...
We're pleased to bring you the April 2023 issue of your magazine, Staff Matters. This month's highlights include: talking to colleagues...
Pure, the University’s research information system, will be moving to cloud hosting during the week commencing 24 April 2023. There will be...
Congratulations to the Southampton University Challenge team who last night earned a final tally of 180 points to win against Robert Gordon...
As we look ahead to the 50th anniversary of Environmental Science (ES) at our University, we're running three blogs from our ES lecturers and...
Staff and PGRs who have been affected by the menopause are invited to join the Menopause Safe Listening Space on Monday 17 April,...
On Saturday 22 April 2023 power supplies will be sequentially shut down from the substation in Faraday Tower that will result in a short-term loss of...