Festive Five Day One: win a £5 Campus Kitchen voucher
The Festive Five giveaway is back for 2022! This year, you have the chance to win a £5 Campus Kitchen voucher, to spend as you wish in our Campus...
The Festive Five giveaway is back for 2022! This year, you have the chance to win a £5 Campus Kitchen voucher, to spend as you wish in our Campus...
The Centre of Higher Education's (CHEP) Digital advent calendar launches today (1 December). For the last three years the CHEP Team and...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
An exciting new publication by Research and Innovation Services (RIS) is out now, showcasing some of the inspiring and pioneering space-related...
The call for contributions for the 2023 Research Methods e-Festival is now open. The online event takes place on 7-9 November 2023 and is...
Southampton Geospatial is a new initiative to promote the University of Southampton’s interdisciplinary expertise in geospatial science...
We have introduced some catering initiatives for our staff and students over the winter months. Fry up Friday (staff and students) 5-piece...
Tuesday 18 October 2022 marked World Menopause Day and also the launch of our awareness training for colleagues and line managers. Health and...
Below are the events and workshops planned for the Academic network for December. Please keep an eye on the CHEP events pages for any...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...