Ground-breaking ceremony marks start of £600 million rejuvenation of University campuses
Construction is underway of the impressive extension to the Jubilee Sports Centre, marking the start of wider improvements across our...
Construction is underway of the impressive extension to the Jubilee Sports Centre, marking the start of wider improvements across our...
Our University has ranked among the world’s best universities for Health and Science in the Times Higher Education’s (THE) World University...
Established in January 2021, the Widening Participation and Social Mobility (WPSM) Student Advisory Board works to review strategies linked to...
Southampton researchers are looking for healthy people between 40 and 75 years of age to take part in a study aiming to improve care for those with...
Last month Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise (CESE) and Widening Participation and Social Mobility (WPSM) teams hosted an event in...
Cyber security is everybody’s responsibility, it impacts all of us almost every day. Earlier this year, the Government published the results...
Below are the events and workshops planned for the Academic network for November. Please keep an eye on the CHEP events pages for any...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
One of our Strategic Major Projects, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programme, which is aimed at transforming the way we manage our...
The Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities (SIAH), in collaboration with the CHEP, invite you to attend a new series of Wednesday...