Welcoming our new students
As we ready ourselves to welcome over 4,000 new students this weekend, we wanted to give you - our staff community - information that...
As we ready ourselves to welcome over 4,000 new students this weekend, we wanted to give you - our staff community - information that...
There are just a few days left to submit nominations for the award of an honorary degree and Fellow of the University. The deadline for receipt of...
Staff and students are invited to register for the 30th Wellington Lecture which this year will be a musical performance hosted by Professor David...
As your Student Communications Team, we're here to keep you posted on all the latest Uni news and events, as well as to celebrate your successes when...
The University and its partner, Unilink Bluestar, launched their brand new fleet of buses today (Wednesday 19 September). They will provide an even...
We’re pleased to announce that our University has improved its international ranking for graduate employability. The QS Graduate Employability...
Dr Massimiliano Guasoni, current Marie-Curie fellow at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, has been awarded a €1.5 million Starting Grant from the...
The University’s Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Research group is looking for UK or Commonwealth Nationals to take part in a study examining...
Plastic pollution in our oceans is a critical issue, and one that researchers at the University of Southampton are working to understand and...
Earlier this month the Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, Mr. Dipak Misra announced a landmark ruling by Supreme Court of India...