Reminder: USS presentation – places still available Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 July
The University has been running a series of presentations about the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). There are still spaces available for...
The University has been running a series of presentations about the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). There are still spaces available for...
Andrei Donko, a PhD student at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), has been awarded an Ingenious public engagement grant from the Royal...
As part of our preparations for the University’s move to a five-faculty structure on 1 August, we have been considering the changes that are...
Earlier this year, we told you about Catering Services' plans to reduce plastic waste in the catering outlets on our...
The list of courses available to prospective students in this year’s Clearing and Adjustment period is now available online. We are offering a...
In February, the University Executive Board agreed to consolidate our Admissions team and move the line management of Recruitment, Events and...
The University is hosting the 'XVI Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies in the UK' on Highfield Campus from Wednesday 11- Friday 13...
Last week the Centre for Cancer Immunology held a series of special celebratory events to show some of its biggest supporters round the new...
First year Aeronautics and Astronautics student Connell McLaughlin, and graduating PhD student Gareth Beeston, pitched their startups to an audience...
Our Open Days on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 July were a big success and we would like to take the opportunity to thank our community for their...