Pride & Prejudice: Memoirs of an LGBTIQ+ Rights Lawyer
The University's LGBT+ Staff Network is delighted to host a Distinguished Lecture given by S Chelvan on Monday 16 January 2017 from 18:00 - 19:00,...
The University's LGBT+ Staff Network is delighted to host a Distinguished Lecture given by S Chelvan on Monday 16 January 2017 from 18:00 - 19:00,...
Dorothy Bishop will be presenting her lecture ‘What’s wrong with our Universities, and will the Teaching Excellence Framework put it right?’ on...
Public Policy|Southampton, the University’s policy engagement unit, is celebrating the first year of its monthly blog which distils UK HE policy...
University Council has now approved the University’s financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2016. These have been published on the...
The Copyright Licensing Agency data collection captures photocopying of copyright material from published sources (or extracts from them) such as...
Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities which the University is subscribed to. It offers researchers the...
The University is hosting a special ‘Stargazing Live’ event for all the family. On Wednesday 11 January from 17:30 - 21:00, members of the...
As British Art Show 8 comes to a close in its final destination, students and graduates were asked to reflect on their experience of working with...
The latest episode in our Telling Our Stories: In Conversation series saw returning guest Professor Roxana Carare from Medicine in conversation with...
Pioneering startup platform and incubator Future Worlds is showcasing British innovations as the UK’s only university exhibitor for a second year...