Reminder: Distinguished Lecture by Christine Petit: 27 October 2016
The Faculty of Engineering & the Environment is hosting a Distinguished Lecture by Professor Christine Petit on 'Understanding hearing mechanisms...
The Faculty of Engineering & the Environment is hosting a Distinguished Lecture by Professor Christine Petit on 'Understanding hearing mechanisms...
The outline 10-Year Plan was presented to the Strategy Colloquium last week. Many of the attendees have asked that the full video of the presentation...
Complex Healthcare Processes Research Group, Health Sciences invite you to attend a seminar entitled: 'Legislative impact on organ and tissue...
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Centre (EPSRC) has launched its fourth Science Photo competition, which will run until 00:01 (GMT)...
Research led by the University is one of the first missions for Boaty McBoatface, a new state-of-the-art robot submarine, based at Southampton’s...
MSc Operational Research (OR) graduate Julie Stanzl has been named runner-up for The Operational Research Society’s May Hicks Award, just months...
A number of MOOCs are currently open for registration. A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free study programme designed to be studied online...
The Web has been an incredibly transformative tool but not everyone has equal access. Though much has been done to increase access to the Web for...
The University's Employability Excellence Awards 2016 took place on Thursday 13 October at the Grand Harbour Hotel. The Awards ceremony recognises...
Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities which the University is subscribed to. It offers researchers the...