Prestigious research awards for Southampton professors
The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science, has awarded two University of Southampton professors Wolfson Research Merit Awards for...
The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science, has awarded two University of Southampton professors Wolfson Research Merit Awards for...
Professor Philip Gale has been named the Royal Society of Chemistry Supramolecular Chemistry Award winner for 2014. Professor Gale’s research aims...
After the success of the Web Science and Oceans MOOCs, 19 May sees the launch of the Portus MOOC. This event will introduce you to current and...
The University is working in partnership with the government, educators and industry to boost female participation in technology and...
Today, Thursday 8 May, from 12.30 - 14.00, please come along to a cake sale for staff and students in B37, level 2. The cakes are being sold in...
The Graduate Recruitment Fair is one of the University of Southampton’s high profile careers and employability events which takes place in the...
Academic staff are invited to join sessions to discover more about the story that links us all together as a University. Get an update on the...
The University has just received formal notification from the University and College Union (UCU) that the pay dispute carried over from 2013 is...
Professor Tim Leighton from the University has been awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science. Each year,...
"May 2014 marks one year until the next General Election. Since the last election in 2010 we have seen the most radical change in higher education...