New UEB Blog entry
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
Join the Library Open Research Team at a Townhall event for a refresh on the upcoming changes in the UKRI Open Access policy for in scope long form...
There are lots of workshops during November to support learning, teaching, research and KEE academic development that are open to all staff. Not all...
The PGR Development team in CHEP are looking to produce some resources to inform and inspire our cohort of postgraduate researchers...
Today is National Mentoring Day in the UK. We are excited to celebrate it by reintroducing E-Mentoring Southampton to colleagues across the...
Members/eligible members of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) are invited to join a Teams session today with pensions expert Brendan...
This year’s Academic Promotion and Pathway Movement Process has now commenced. Anyone who is considering applying for promotion or pathway...
We are saddened by the news of the death of Professor Brian Clarkson, earlier this month. The University flag will fly at half mast today, in his...
A member consultation into changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) started on Monday 25 September 2023 and closes on Friday 24...
The University data centre is the location of a number of our internally hosted IT Services. During the upcoming winter closure period, we will...