Connectivity hits the small screen
This month has seen the University hit the small screen again, with our connectivity TV advert appearing over a range of channels. The aim of the...
This month has seen the University hit the small screen again, with our connectivity TV advert appearing over a range of channels. The aim of the...
Staff and students are invited to attend the 19th Gabriele Ganz Lecture on Public Law. Thursday 16 October, 6pm - Nuffield Lecture Theatre A Out of...
Staff and students are invited to take part in a new survey published by the Southampton City Council. The Southampton City Council have begun...
The ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC), based at the University, will launch the exhibition ‘How to get to 100 and enjoy it’ in the West...
The University has recently welcomed 10 new scholars from developing Commonwealth countries. In 2014-15 the University will have 18 full-time...
A University professor, composites yacht builder, inspirational single-handed deaf yachtsman, joiner shipwright and panel of experts chaired by an...
iSolutions will be carrying out essential maintenance on the University Filestore in October. Please not that this applies to both staff and...
Do you love to sing? In the shower? In a choir? In your head so no-one can hear? The Big Big Sing is for you. Come join the crowd at Turner Sims...
As part of an improvement plan to the wireless infrastructure across campus and halls of residence, iSolutions will be carrying out essential work on...
5 Poets will have 10 minutes each to present work on the theme finance, economics, money and value. The theme is chosen in response to the...