Exam checklist – part two 2023
Here are five tips about what to bring and what to do on the day of your exams to ensure they run smoothly. Physical student ID...
Here are five tips about what to bring and what to do on the day of your exams to ensure they run smoothly. Physical student ID...
On 1 June a new appraisal window will open for all staff. All staff should have an appraisal between 1 June and 15 September and record their...
The latest University Executive Board (UEB) Blog post has now been published. You can read the blog here. Posts are usually published on a...
Check out the five tips below to help your exams run smoothly and to avoid last-minute panic on the day: Your timetable on SUSSED You...
With the main exam and assessment period starting soon for many, Mental Health Awareness Week (15-21 May) is a chance to take a break, unwind, and...
There are just a few days left to nominate a colleague for a 2023 Vice-Chancellor’s Award - nominate a team or individual by 18:00 on Friday 12...
Congratulations to the Southampton University Challenge team who won against Newnham College, Cambridge to secure a place in the...
Here is a reminder of where you can study, find discounted food on campus, as well as available opportunities and support as you prepare for your...
The School of Humanities invites you to join Professor Laura Dominguez, Head of Department Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, for her inaugural...
Following a successful run of events last year, the REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) Staff Network invites staff and PGRs to join them...