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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Wellbeing Day 2013 Event

Wellbeing Day
09:30 - 16:30
29 October 2013
Hartley Suite, Staff Social Centre - entrance near B4 (Law) Life Sciences Building (B85), room 2213 - by Lattes

For more information regarding this event, please email Linnet Evans at [email protected] .

Event details

Wellbeing Day is a day for the whole University community, staff and students alike. On this page, you will find an evolving range of events, workshops and much more, helping us to look after ourselves better - now and for the future.

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on 29 October. If you have not already done so, please complete and return one or both of the evaluation forms on the right. Your feedback will be really helpful to us in planning future events and services. You will be able to access slides and other material from some of the workshops and talks in the next few days.

Here is a summary of the day. For further details about what's going on in each venue, follow the Find out more links. (Note that events are open to University of Southampton and SUSU staff, to University of Southampton students, and to professionals working with staff or students in a relevant capacity. You are equally welcome to take in just one event, or to come to several.)

Hartley Room

Here in our inner Oasis of Calm you will find opportunities to learn about, and get involved in, a range of stress-busting activities. Most of these will be led by University staff, many of whom are also qualified practitioners. The majority will run in half-hour slots, giving you a chance to drop in whenever convenient.

Our keynote event , "Wellbeing is our Responsibility" is at 12 noon in the Hartley Room.  Introduced by Professor Adam Wheeler. This is aimed equally at staff and managers and highlights our responsibilities for health and safety, risk managements and looking after ourselves and each other. Presenters include HR, H&S and the University Mediation Service.

Please note that this event is now scheduled to run for an hour, and we hope you will be able to stay throughout. We will still give priority at the start to people who have pre-booked . You are otherwise free to leave or join at suitable break-points. Refreshments will be provided - please arrive in good time.

At 1pm, you can hear a personal perspective of managing wellbeing from Helen Cartwright . And under the banner of What's Next ? Nick Maguire and Catherine Pope will host a Q&A session focusing on mental health and wellbeing over the coming year. Again, you can pre-book for this session.

Find out more about all the events in the Hartley Room (including Alfie the Labradoodle).

The Science Bit

Located in the Life Sciences Building (85/2213), this series of slightly longer workshops will highlight important themes across the science and management of wellbeing in organisations such as ours.

  • Getting off the stress express (extra session) (James Wilson and Amnda Clark) Practical suggestions for both managing symptoms of stress, as well as strategies for actively promoting wellbeing. Booking advised.
  • Embedded Counselling Workshop: what changes an everyday encounter into a counselling conversation? (Stella Gothard and Paul Riddy) Booking advised
  • Non-visible disabilities awareness and action workshop ( Freeney Williams ) Booking advised.
  • The science behind managing wellbeing and change (Nick Maguire). This event is now fully booked but you can put your name on the waiting list .

Find out more about Science Bit workshops.

Hartley Lounge

You'll be able to meet and chat to representatives from:

  • Related University and external services
  • Volunteer-led groups on campus
  • SUSU and student welfare
  • Knitting group

You can also pick up leaflets and see posters from other organisations.

Find out more about the exhibitors in the Hartley Lounge.

Short walks

Finally, there will be short walks round Highfield Campus in both morning and afternoon including the stream, the Valley Gardens and some of the variety of trees on campus. Meet by the Arlott Room (no booking needed) at either 10.30 or 15.30 for a relaxing and informative 30-minute stroll, led by Malcolm Jenks of our Estates staff. You should wear suitable clothing and footwear (no heels), depending on the weather. Although part of the route will be across grass, it should still be accessible for anyone with limited mobility.

Please put this date in your diary , and check the individual venue pages as some details may still change. All options are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, although for some you can reserve a place beforehand. All events are free of charge .


Student ambassadors will be on duty through the day to help keep everything running smoothly.

These well-being events have been put together, on a low budget, by a small group of volunteers from different areas in the University who are committed to making a difference. Such events are the start of a series of actions on mental health and well-being that the group will be taking across the University over the coming year.

We are aware that the 29 October event is Highfield-centric, and also for parents falls during half-term. Unfortunately we do not have capacity to run simultaneous events at other sites or on other dates - but if you work at a different site and want to join in please do use this opportunity to offer an event of your own and we will gladly publicise it here.

Garden End will be available for networking with old friends and new.

Please do forward information about the day to colleagues, or print off a poster (link on the right).

Slides and leaflets from the day

We have created a library of slides, documents, posters and other useful things from the day. Access these here.

What is Wellbeing?

" Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community." - World Health Organization, 1948

"Wellbeing is not a beach you go and lie on. It's a sort of dynamic dance and there's movement in that all the time. It's the functionality of that movement which actually is [showing] true levels of wellbeing." - Nic Marks, Radio 4, 2012

So what's the problem?

"Stigma about mental disorders and discrimination against patients prevent people from seeking mental health care. [In a survey] contrary to expectations, levels of stigma were higher in urban areas and among people with higher levels of education." - WHO fact file on mental health

Relaxing on campus

Mental Health Resources

World Mental Health Day , started by WFMH , is celebrated each year on and around 10 October. It aims to get us all talking openly about mental illnesses and the treatment and preventions that are available to us all.

The Mental Health Foundation's website is rich in resources, including information about how essential nutrition can be for good mental health.

Below are links to some of the many other UK-based organisations involved with mental health.

Wellbeing Day 2014

Find out what we're doing on and around 4 November

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