The University of Southampton

Webinar: Equality Impact Assessments training

Staff in all departments are expected to undertake Equality Impact Assessments (EIA) of any proposal that has the potential to impact others whether positive or negative: policy and procedure changes, changes to opening times, outreach projects, etc. This is a legislative requirement, similar to conducting a risk assessment, but focused on mitigating against social and cultural exclusion of groups of people.

The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) has linked with the College Development Network to offer a number of free one-hour webinars to guide staff in how to conduct an EIA.

Sessions will cover the key steps of EIA to ensure legislative compliance, and will share practical, innovative approaches to integrating EIA into the areas of: learning and teaching, procurement and organisational development.

EIA in learning and teaching development – 26 September 2013, 11.00-12.00

EIA in procurement practice – 26 September 2013, 15.00-16.00

EIA in organisational development – 1 October 2013, 11.00-12.00

ECU are also providing a developmental session aimed at staff providing training on EIA. A training handbook will be available on the ECU website to accompany this webinar.

Building capacity for EIA, session for trainers – 1 October 2013, 15.00-16.00

If you would like any further information on EIAs, or these webinars, take a look at the Diversity website or contact the Diversity team.

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