The University of Southampton

Invitation to the Music Department Christmas Concert

The Music Department invites you to their annual Christmas Concert, featuring festive performances by staff and students, at Turner Sims on Friday 8 December at 13:00

Arranged by final-year undergraduates, the event will include carol singing, Christmas songs and music performed by some of the outstanding young musicians currently studying Music here.

Continuing the Music Department’s recent collaboration with Mencap Southampton’s Café ‘Down the Lane’, members of the charity will be selling homemade mince pies/scones and Christmas cards in the foyer of Turner Sims from 12:30pm and after the Christmas Concert.

Café Down the Lane was set up to help people with learning disabilities to learn vital work-place skills in a ‘real-world’ environment. To find out more about the work of Mencap Southampton, please visit or come along to speak to some of their members at the Concert.

To register, please visit the Music Department website. For more details, please contact Louise Johnson in the Music Department.

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