The University of Southampton

Gender equality recognition for our academic units

We’re delighted to announce that four of our academic units have been recognised for their work to improve gender equality within academia.

In total, Southampton faculties and academic units have now earned four Silver and five Bronze Athena SWAN Awards, in addition to our institutional Silver Award.

An image of the University's Athena SWAN silver award from 2016
Our Athena SWAN Silver Award (2016)

Chemistry, and Physics and Astronomy have each earned an Athena SWAN Silver Award, showing that they have made a meaningful improvement to the representation of and opportunities for women to progress in academic careers.

Professor Jonathan Flynn, Head of Physics and Astronomy, said:

“We are delighted to receive an Athena SWAN Silver Award which endorses our department’s commitment to diversity and equality and to providing a positive environment for working and learning. The award recognises our achievements so far and our action plan to build on them.”

Chemistry’s award was a Silver renewal – its first Silver Award was earned in 2015. Professor Gill Reid, Head of Chemistry commented:

“I am both delighted and proud that Chemistry at Southampton has been successful in receiving an Athena SWAN Silver Award for the second time – becoming the first department in the University to renew this award. This really testifies to the values around equality, diversity and inclusion that we hold in Chemistry.”

Ocean and Earth Sciences and Mathematical Sciences were both successful in renewing their Bronze awards. This means they have made good progress against their action plans and continue to demonstrate their commitment to gender equality.

AdvanceHE, the higher education development organisation, administers and awards the Athena SWAN scheme. Each application is peer reviewed by academics and equality professionals from other Athena SWAN institutions. A high standard of analysis is required to achieved a Bronze award, and Silver requires further evidence of meaningful change.

For more information about the awards and our plans for further equality and inclusion engagement, please contact the Diversity team by emailing: [email protected] or calling ext: 22945

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