Courses / Modules / SESG6046 Teaching and Communication and the PGT Ambassador Scheme

Teaching and Communication and the PGT Ambassador Scheme

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Adrian Nightingale
Academic year

Module overview

The Undergraduate Ambassador Scheme (UAS) was initially founded to encourage undergraduates to consider teaching as a career, particularly in shortage subject areas (maths, sciences), and is currently available in other faculties within the University of Southampton as well as in other universities. However, importantly this module aims to provide you with teaching experience and valuable transferable skills. The module has no formal lectures, but instead involves you spending time outside of university within a local school (primary, secondary or tertiary) for approximately ½ day a week for a full semester (10 weeks) supported by tutorials at university. During the placements, you will initially observe teaching but gradually become more involved in the classroom, ultimately carrying out a special project with pupils. As you will be acting as a role model within a local school or college and due to the limited number of placements, there is an application form and interview process. The selection process aims to match you with an appropriate placement and teacher based on your preferences and also what you want to get out of the module.

The module is reliant on sufficient placements being secured in local primary, secondary schools or tertiary colleges, which limits the number of students that can take this module. A cap of about 25 students is applied.

A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is also necessary before placements can commend, therefore participation on this module cannot be guaranteed to all students who pass the interview stagee. All DBS certification cost are paid by the Faculty.