Student Transfer Policy

1. Introduction

This Policy sets out the requirements and considerations in respect of: 

  • Students currently studying an undergraduate degree at another institution and wishing to transfer to the University of Southampton
  • Current University of Southampton undergraduate students who wish to transfer to another institution
  • Current University of Southampton undergraduate students wishing to transfer within the University to a different degree programme

2. Implications of transferring

Transferring to a different institution or a different programme within the University of Southampton may have implications on studies or finances.  Prior to formalising a transfer, students will need to consider the following:

  1. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy.
  2. Detailed discussion with and review by Programme Leader as to whether prior learning meets the learning outcomes of the new programme i.e. for current students and students who have previously studied at Southampton and want to use existing credit.
  3. Student Finance England loan arrangements (if applicable).
  4. The calculation of the final degree classification.
  5. If studying in the UK on a Tier 4 visa, the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration (UKVI) rules around transferring studies/institutions – further guidance available at
  6. Whether the programme to which the student wishes to transfer will satisfy any requirements of relevant Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) who may accredit such programmes. 

3. Transferring to the University of Southampton

We will consider applications on their individual merits and against our Regulations and those of any Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body who may accredit our programmes, for direct entry into undergraduate programmes of study where applicants have completed or are due to complete a year (or more) of study on a relevant programme.  

We will only consider requests from applicants currently registered in study at Medical School and accompanied by a letter of support from the Dean of their current Medical School.  Transfer applications from outside the UK will not be considered.  

Applications for transfer will only be considered if we have sufficient places available and applicants meet all of the following conditions:  

  1. Applicants satisfy our typical entry requirements.  
  2. Applicants gain up to a maximum of one third of an undergraduate programme (60 ECTS or 120 CATS) and achieve an Upper Second Class or higher overall or equivalent in their current studies.  Consideration may be given to allow recognition of prior learning (RPL) outside of these limitations but this decision will require recommendation from the relevant School Programmes Committee to the Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee.  
  3. Applicants can demonstrate that their prior experience adequately prepares them to continue their studies here at Southampton.  
  4. Where applicable, applicants will also need to continue to meet the criteria required of the UKVI, including English language proficiency.  

For Undergraduate programmes applicants will be required to submit an application via UCAS; normal deadlines will apply.  Applications must in all cases present evidence that learning has taken place and that equivalence can be demonstrated.  Applications must include the following information in order to assess suitability (if not already included within the application, it should be sent under separate cover to Admissions via email):

  1. A recent transcript outlining all modules, courses and assignments completed or being taken as part of the current programme of study and marks received, including, where relevant, details of any modules, courses or assignments that have been retaken/repeated.
  2. A predicted grade/classification from a current tutor, as part of a written satisfactory academic reference.
  3. A list of all academic and other relevant achievements to date.
  4. A statement including the reasons for requesting entry to the University of Southampton for that particular programme of study.

Further appropriate evidence may include portfolios, essays written for the purpose, module outlines, interviews, work-based projects, vivas or completion of the usual assessment associated with the module(s) for which equivalence is being claimed.

If successful, the applicant will receive a formal offer through UCAS which they can choose to accept or not.  Applicants should review our Regulations regarding transfer on to a course at Southampton from studies elsewhere and how their final award classification will be calculated (see Section 6 below for related policies and regulations).  Applicants should also ensure that they meet the provisions of the University’s Admissions Policy

4. Transferring out of the University of Southampton

Where a current University of Southampton student would like to transfer out to a different institution, the possible implications as detailed in Section 2 should be considered. 

Prior to any formal request for a transfer, the student should consult with their Personal Academic Tutor.  Following this, the Faculty Student Administration Team will be able to provide information on gaining certification for the modules completed at Southampton and the formal withdrawal process. 

For each full-time year of an undergraduate degree completed, 120 CATS or 60 ECTS credits are awarded.  Final award classification may be weighted differently across the years at different institutions therefore students should be encouraged to review the regulations at the institution they wish to transfer to in order to assess the implications. 

It is the student’s responsibility to complete any application required by a receiving institution. 

5. Transferring within the University of Southampton

Where a student currently studying on a programme within the University would like to transfer to a different degree programme within the same School, the student should consult with their Personal Academic Tutor in the first instance.  If the Deputy Head of School (Education) or designated nominee agrees that a transfer to another programme within the same School would be appropriate, this can be processed by the Faculty Student Administration Team.  Approval will be dependent on suitability of previous qualifications, modules completed, grades achieved and availability of places on the relevant programme.

Where a student currently studying on a programme within the University would like to transfer to a different degree programme in a different School, agreement of the Schools concerned must be obtained.  It is unlikely that a transfer into the second (or final) year of a degree programme in a different School/subject will be possible unless the student is able to demonstrate the relevant level of knowledge required in the new subject.  See Transfer, Suspension, Withdrawal and Termination, as part of University Regulations, for further information. 

6. Related policies and regulations

This Policy has been developed in conjunction with, and should be read alongside, the following University of Southampton policies and regulations:

Updated July 2023: Submitted to the Office for Students and approved August 2023