Research group

Coastal Communities

View of Blackpool Tower, beach and coastal defences on a sunny day.

Coastal Communities SIG focuses on bringing together researchers and non-academic stakeholders to tackle challenges facing coastal communities. 


We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers interested in tackling real-world challenges in coastal communities. We aim to improve understanding and capacity to adapt to these challenges by bringing together those researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders who are affected, interested and/or involved in coastal communities. Through creating a forum for discussion, sharing methods and best practice, and doing research together, we can improve understanding and management of the challenges that coastal communities face, ranging from the health impacts of air pollution to social effects of climate change-driven coastal change.  

On an annual basis, the Coastal Communities SIG will host three formal meetings to:

  • Bring together researchers from across all faculties and institutes at the University of Southampton to discuss coastal communities research and identify opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. This will support the sustainability of existing working relationships, create space to build new partnerships, and facilitate interdisciplinary coastal communities bid development.
  • Invite University of Southampton researchers and external stakeholders to participate in a methods/best practice workshop, focusing on a cross-cutting approach. This will provide opportunity for researchers and other stakeholders to meet and upskill in methods/best practice they may not have encountered within their own discipline or working practice.
  • Hold a lunchtime forum with academic, policy and practitioners invited both as guest speakers and participants to learn from and network with each other. This will enable researchers and other stakeholders to share leading-edge research and practice and facilitate new collaborative partners for future research.

The Coastal Communities SIG invites those from within and outside of the University of Southampton to join the group. We welcome new ideas for events, trainings, speakers.

To find out more about the Digital Oceans Special Interest Group and what we do, get in touch with group champions Sien Van Der Plank and Lareb Dean.

Join the SMMI Community to sign up to this group and our other special interest groups.

People, projects and publications


Professor Graham Moon PhD, FAcSS, HonMFPH

Research interests

  • Place effects on health-related behaviour, particularly smoking, diet and alcohol consumption
  • Applications of multilevel modelling in human geography; small area estimation methods
  • Post-asylum geographies and mental health care delivery
Connect with Graham

Dr Gustavo De Almeida

Associate Professor
Connect with Gustavo

Mr Gyanendro Loitongbam PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • the application of Natural Language Processing tasks,
  • multimodal text analysis,
  • sentiment analysis on social media data,

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Gyanendro

Dr Hachem Kassem


Research interests

  • Nearshore hydrodynamics and coastal sediment dynamics
  • Coastal and ocean engineering and flow-structure-seabed-biota interactions
  • Adaptive, nature-inclusive solutions to climate-mediated geohazards, including flooding, erosion and habitat degradation

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Hannah Stones


Research interests

  • Maritime Law
  • Remote-Controlled and Autonomous Shipping
  • Passenger Shipping

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Hannah

Miss Hannah Witt

Research interests

  • Deep Sea Mining Law of the SeaCommon Heritage of MankindOcean GovernanceSustainability
Connect with Hannah

Dr Hayward Godwin

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • I have a number of research interests, and they are as follows:
  • - How we search for target(s) in the environment, particularly using visual searches.
  • - Eye movement behaviour, focusing on search tasks
Connect with Hayward

Dr Hector Marin Moreno

Lecturer in Climate Sciences

Research interests

  • Smart and cost-effective solutions for joint processing and interpretation of geophysical and geotechnical data from renewable energy developments offshore
  • Geological storage of CO2 and hydrogen 
  • Climate and human-induced methane emissions in the marine environment 

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Hector

Dr Helen Farr

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Seafaring
  • Submerged Palaeo Landscapes
  • Maritime Heritage

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Helen

Related research institutes, centres and groups

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If you're interested in joining us or collaborating, get in touch with the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute.