Research group

Nanophotonics Group

Microstructured Optical Fibre

Understanding and harnessing light-matter interactions at the nanometre scale.


We perform fundamental optical physics and materials research which is critical for the discovery and development of new and improved optoelectronic technologies. Our interests and expertise include

  • Nano- and picophotonics
  • Photonic metamaterials
  • Optical imaging and metrology at the nanoscale
  • Toroidal electrodynamics
  • Electron beam nanophotonics
  • Laser-based deposition, forward transfer, and direct-write techniques
  • Generation and applications of XUV and soft X-ray radiation
  • Microstructured optical fibres
  • Discovery, optimization and applications of novel glasses, especially chalcogenide materials

Research highlights

People, projects and publications


Dr Bill Brocklesby

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Novel imaging & microscopy techniques in the visible and XUV spectral regions;
  • Coherent diffractive imaging of nanoscale systems using XUV radiation generated by high-power ultrashort pulse lasers;
  • Large-scale beam combination;
Connect with Bill

Dr Collin Sones

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Collin

Dr Dong-Yang WANG

Research Fellow (Anniversary Fellow)

Research interests

  • Topological metamaterials;
  • Terahertz science;
  • Nano-optics;

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Dong-Yang

Dr Eric Plum

Principal Research Fellow

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Eric

Dr Kevin Chung-Che Huang

Senior Research Fellow
Connect with Kevin Chung-Che

Professor Kevin Macdonald

Professorial Fellow-Research

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Nikitas Papasimakis

Principal Research Fellow

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Nikitas

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay

Dr Tanchao Pu PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Artificial Intelligence for nanophotonicsImaging and microscopyComputer VisionOptical Superoscillation 
Connect with Tanchao
My interests are varied across photonics, particularly in optical fibre design and fabrication, optical materials, optical sensing, and high-power fibre lasers.
Professor of Photonics