Research project


Project overview

YouthLife is a three-year European Union Twinning project that aims to strengthen mixed methods research on youth transitions from a life course perspective through a partnership between Tallinn University (Estonia) and three internationally-leading research institutions with complementary methodological expertise and experience: University of Bamberg (Germany), University of Southampton (UK), and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) (Netherlands).

YouthLife bridges qualitative and quantitative approaches to life course research on youth transitions. The project aims to foster mutually advantageous networking and knowledge exchange between the international partners, and the development of early career and doctoral students. The project supports advance mixed methods design for the new Estonian Longitudinal Study of Youth.


Lead researchers

Professor Rosalind Edwards

Professor of Sociology

Research interests

  • Families and parenting
  • Qualitative and mixed research methods
  • Qualitative and longitudinal data analysis
Connect with Rosalind
Other researchers

Professor Ann Berrington

Professor-Demography&Social Statistics
Connect with Ann

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs