Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy awarded with a partner institution (Joint or Double PhD) 2024-25

1. Introduction

1.1 The University of Southampton may approve arrangements for a research student to enrol for a programme leading to a Joint or Double award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with one named partner institution in accordance with its procedures for approving collaborative partnerships and its Joint and Double Research Degree Framework. 

1.2 A Joint or Double PhD programme with a partner institution shall be governed by a Memorandum of Agreement, approved and signed by the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton and the authorised signatory of the partner institution. 

1.3 In addition to the Memorandum of Agreement, each research student in candidature for a Joint or Double PhD award within these Regulations shall enter into an Individual Doctoral Agreement.  This Agreement will be agreed by and signed by the main supervisor and the student and approved by the relevant Faculty Director of the Graduate School of the University of Southampton.   This Agreement will set out the terms and conditions governing the Joint or Double award. 

2. Award of the Degree

2.1 The University of Southampton Senate may award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to a research student who has pursued a prescribed programme of study jointly with an approved partner institution to the satisfaction of the Faculty Education and Student Experience Subcommittee, and who has met any other requirements to the satisfaction of the relevant academic authorities of the University of Southampton and the partner institution. 

2.2 To be eligible for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Southampton, a research student must have demonstrated the criteria as specified within section 4 of the University of Southampton’s Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision (The Difference between Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil)). 

3. Admission

3.1 Applications for admission to a Joint or Double PhD programme must be approved by the appropriate academic authorities in both institutions and must satisfy the formal entry requirements agreed by both institutions. 

3.2 The procedures for admission will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

4. Duration of the Research Degree 

4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement, the minimum and maximum candidature duration shall be that specified for a PhD – Standard Route in section 6 (Duration of Research Degrees) of the University of Southampton’s Regulations for Research Degrees. 

4.2 The period of candidature for the research degree ends when the thesis is submitted.  Periods of nominal registration count towards the maximum period of candidature (see paragraph 9.1 of these Regulations). 

4.3 A research student who fails to submit a thesis by the end of the agreed maximum period of candidature shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the degree and candidature will be terminated.

5. Candidature

5.1 The programme to be followed shall consist of supervised study, including research and generic skills training, normally conducted on a full-time basis, although part-time study may be possible in some circumstances.

5.2 The research student will normally be enrolled at the University of Southampton and the partner institution throughout their period of candidature unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. If the student is not enrolled at both institutions throughout the full duration of their candidature, periods of separate enrolment at either of the institutions shall be counted as equivalent for the purposes of determining the overall duration of candidature. 

5.3 The research student will be subject to the regulations, rules, policies and procedures of the institutions with which they are enrolled and as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

5.4 The research student is expected to undertake a period of study at each institution, with a minimum of 12 months' candidature at the University of Southampton.   Periods of time to be spent at each institution will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement or in the student’s Individual Doctoral Agreement. 

5.5 A research student in candidature for a Joint or Double PhD award may be permitted, at any time prior to submission of the thesis, to transfer to a programme leading to the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at the University of Southampton.  The period of time spent in candidature up to the point of transfer will be counted towards the period of candidature required for the University of Southampton degree to which the transfer is made, and the University of Southampton will comply with its obligations under the relevant immigration legislation, which may be updated from time to time. A research student who is concerned about their entitlement to remain in the UK following transfer to the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) should seek advice from the Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service. 

5.6 The University of Southampton’s general Transfer, Pause in Study, Withdrawal and Termination Regulations will apply to a research student in candidature for a Joint or Double PhD unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.  In addition, the Procedures for circumstances that may lead to termination of postgraduate research degree candidature will apply (unless otherwise specified).  These procedures cover the following circumstances: 

  • termination of candidature is proposed as a result of a recommendation from a Progression Review;
  • termination of candidature is proposed as a result of failure to undertake the expected responsibilities of a research student;
  • termination of candidature is proposed due to lack of contact or failure to return from an approved pause in study period;
  • termination of candidature is proposed as a result of failure to submit a thesis by the end of the maximum period of candidature.

6. Supervision

6.1 The supervisory team for a research student in candidature for a Joint or Double PhD award must be chosen to provide adequate academic expertise and must include the roles of Main Supervisor and Co-ordinating Supervisor. 

  • The Main Supervisor is responsible for the supervision of the design and progress of the student’s research project, for providing them with academic advice, and must be available to provide guidance and direction on a regular basis. 
  • The Co-ordinating Supervisor has responsibility for ensuring that the administrative processes for the student are completed in a timely manner throughout their candidature.  The role of Co-ordinating Supervisor will typically be undertaken by the Main Supervisor. 

6.2 The supervisory team must consist of at least one supervisor from each institution and may include other supervisors, internal or external to the partner institutions, to provide additional support to the student.  The team should normally include at least one additional member from the institution at which the student is physically located at the time.  Appointments to the supervisory team must satisfy the academic criteria of both institutions and be approved by the normal academic route in both institutions. The responsibilities of the supervisory team and of the student are set down in section 10 (Supervision) of the University of Southampton’s Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision. 

7. Research and Transferrable Skills Training 

7.1 The supervisory team must assess the research student’s personal and professional development needs, including transferrable skills, within three months of their entry to the Joint or Double PhD degree programme. The student will also be required to take part in a suitable programme of mandatory and optional research and transferrable skills training which should support the student’s research, comply with any funding requirements, and help the student prepare for their subsequent career. The Individual Doctoral Agreement will clearly specify both institutions’ expectations. 

7.2 Research training may take place at either institution, as agreed by the supervisory team and the research student in writing. It is the responsibility of the University of Southampton’s Faculty Director of the Graduate School to ensure that the student’s training meets the requirements for that Faculty and of any funding body where that funding has been arranged through the University of Southampton. 

8. Progression Monitoring and Review 

8.1 Arrangements for progression monitoring and review must be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. It is the responsibility of each institution, through the supervisory team, to ensure that the research student’s progress is appropriately monitored and supported. In addition to regular supervisory meetings, a student in candidature for a Joint or Double PhD is required to undertake formal progression reviews at fixed points during the course of their candidature. Responsibility for the approval of progression review outcomes rests with both institutions. 

8.2 The progress of the research student may be reviewed at any time. If progress is unsatisfactory and if, after due warning, there is insufficient improvement, termination of candidature may be recommended. Such a recommendation must be approved by both institutions, following their normal procedures for termination of candidature. In exceptional circumstances, and if permitted by the conditions specified in the Memorandum of Agreement, provision may be made for the student to transfer their candidature to the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at the University of Southampton or to an appropriate research degree at the partner institution. 

9. Nominal Registration

9.1 Periods of nominal registration count towards the maximum period of candidature. The Memorandum of Agreement will specify whether the University of Southampton's regulations relating to nominal registration (Regulations for Research Degrees (section 9: Nominal Registration) apply. If there is no provision for transfer to nominal registration the research student must remain in supervised candidature until the thesis is submitted.

10. Pause in Study

10.1 The research student must continue in candidature for the Joint or Double PhD degree until such time as they submit their thesis or withdraw, except where a pause in study is approved through the relevant academic procedures as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

10.2 The maximum period where study may be paused must be stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement and will normally be in accordance with the Transfer, Pause in Study, Withdrawal and Termination Regulations. In the case of funded students, due regard should be given to funder rules governing pauses in study. Periods when study is paused shall not count towards the maximum period of study. 

10.3 Whilst in attendance at the University of Southampton, the Regulations for Research Degrees (section 10: Pause in Study) shall apply to a research student who has paused their study. 

11. Extension of Candidature

11.1 The minimum and maximum periods of candidature as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement must be strictly adhered to. An extension of candidature will only be permitted where extenuating circumstances have been demonstrated by the research student and the Regulations for Research Degrees (section 11: Extension of Candidature) will apply unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

11.2 Any request submitted by a student for an extension to candidature must be reviewed and approved by both partners through the Regulations Governing Special Consideration and Pause in Study for Postgraduate Research Degree Students, unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

12. Thesis Submission

12.1 The thesis submission shall be made within the maximum length of candidature permitted for the degree, as defined in the Memorandum of Agreement, excluding periods when study is paused. 

12.2 The procedures for giving notice of intention to submit the thesis will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement but the notice period may not include periods when study is paused.  Advice should be sought from the University of Southampton’s Doctoral College (Faculty) Team regarding the date by which the research student must give notice of intention to submit if the graduation ceremony is to be held at the University of Southampton. 

12.3 The standard length and format of the thesis will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement, taking due regard of the requirements specified in the Regulations for Research Degrees (section 13: Submission of Thesis).  The student will be required to write their thesis in English unless approval for it to be written in a language other than English has been given by both institutions and is specified in the Individual Doctoral Agreement. 

12.4 Research work submitted as a thesis for a Joint or Double PhD should be openly available and subject neither to security classification nor to restriction on access.  The research student must comply with the provisions of the Regulations for Research Degrees (section 13: Submission of Thesis) regarding access to their thesis unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

13. Examination 

13.1 A single examination (viva voce) will be conducted simultaneously by the University of Southampton and the partner institution.  If the partner institution requires a public defence of the thesis this must be part of the examination process. 

13.2 The composition of the examining team will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement and the following principles must be applied: 

13.3 No member of the supervisory team may be appointed as an examiner; nor may they take part in the judgement of the thesis under consideration in any other way. 

13.4 The examining team must consist of at least three examiners: an internal examiner from each of the partner institutions, and an external examiner who is independent of the University of Southampton and the partner institution. 

13.5 The examining team may include additional members should this be considered necessary. 

13.6 The viva voce must be chaired by an Independent Chair.  The Independent Chair should be an academic member of staff who is employed by either the University of Southampton or the partner institution, and who has substantial experience in supervising and examining research students.  The Independent Chair is not a member of the examining team and does not take any part in the judgement of the student.  As such, the Independent Chair is not provided with a copy of the student’s submission.  The role of the Independent Chair is to monitor good practice, and to ensure that the examination is conducted according to the arrangements as detailed in the Memorandum of Agreement; that the research student is treated fairly and appropriately; and that the outcome of the examination represents fairly the views of the examiners.  The Independent Chair is required to provide a written report which should be submitted to the Faculty Director of the Graduate School at the University of Southampton and to the equivalent role at the partner institution immediately following the examination. Should there be any reported concerns, the Faculty Director of the Graduate School at the University of Southampton and the equivalent role at the partner institution should take steps to engage the examiners in discussion with a view to satisfactorily resolving the matter.  A record of all discussions should be made and retained with the examination documentation.

13.7 The arrangements for the examination will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement and in the Individual Doctoral Agreement. 

14. Outcomes of the Examination 

14.1 The outcomes of the examination for the University of Southampton’s degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) shall be as specified in the Regulations for Research Degrees (section 15: Outcomes of the Examination), unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.  In the case of a research student who has failed to satisfy the examiners, the student may be granted permission to submit a thesis for University of Southampton degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) where the availability of that award is specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 

14.2 The award must be approved by the relevant academic authorities at the University of Southampton and the partner institution. For the University of Southampton, the award will be made by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Education and Student Experience Subcommittee. 

14.3 A research student who fails to submit a corrected or revised thesis by the date set by the examiners shall normally be regarded as having failed the examination, the recommendations of the examiners shall lapse, and the candidate shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the degree. In exceptional circumstances, a revised date for submitting corrections may be approved by the University of Southampton and the partner institution. 

14.4 Where the examiners recommend that the degree for which the research student has submitted is not awarded and that submission of a revised thesis not be permitted, the research degree will be terminated. 

15. Special Considerations, Student Complaints and Academic Appeals 

15.1 Provisions for special consideration, complaints and appeals will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. 



Revision History 
Amendments approved by UPC in May 2013 and by Senate in June 2013 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2014 and by Senate in June 2014 
Reviewed in July 2015; no changes made 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2016, by AQSC in June 2016 [Chair’s Action], and by Senate in July 2016 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2017 and by Senate in June 2017 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2018 and by Senate in June 2018 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2019 and by Senate in June 2019 
Reviewed in May 2020; no changes made 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2021 and by Senate in June 2021 
Amendments approved by AQSC in March and July 2022 and by Senate in June and July 2022 
Amendments approved by AQSC in May 2023 and by Senate in June 2023
Amendments approved by AQSS in May 2024 and by Senate in June 2024