Regulations applying to Part I only of Undergraduate Programmes at the Joint Education Institute

Academic Regulations: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Final AwardBachelor of Engineering
  • BEng Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
  • BEng Marine Engineering
  • BEng Underwater Acoustics
  • BEng Control Engineering

The above programmes are delivered at the Southampton Ocean Engineering Joint Institute at Harbin Engineering University

Last modifiedJuly 2024

The Academic Regulations apply to and regulate the programme(s) listed above.

On occasion, programmes can be exempted from one or more of the clauses in the Regulations; one or more of the clauses can be varied; and programmes can impose additional requirements.

  • Exemptions are characterised by the omission of the relevant clause.
  • Variations are characterised by the replacement of the clause with alternative wording.
  • Additions are characterised by requirements in addition to those detailed in the Academic regulations.

The programmes listed have approval from the Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee for the exemptions and/or variations and/or additions to the regulations noted below.

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the relevant Programme Specification and the General Academic Regulations for Taught Students. Numbering of paragraphs in this section corresponds to the paragraph numbers in the Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes.

Where a paragraph is marked Exemption or Not Applicable, the corresponding paragraph in the Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes does not apply to Part I students on Engineering programmes in the School of Engineering.  

Where a paragraph is marked Variation, the text here supersedes the corresponding paragraph in the  Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes for Part I students on Engineering programmes in the School of Engineering. 

Where a paragraph is marked Applies Unchanged, the corresponding paragraph in the Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes applies to Part I students on Engineering programmes in the School of Engineering. 

Where a paragraph is marked Addition, it indicates an extra requirement which applies to Part I students on Engineering programmes in the School of Engineering to that given in the Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes.  

1.1The following regulations apply to all Undergraduate and Integrated Masters taught programmes at levels 6 and 7 (see Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) Scheme), except in so far as a variation or an exemption for particular programmes has been allowed under 1.3 and 1.4 below. These Regulations should be read in conjunction with the Regulations and Definitions Applying to Progression for all Credit-Bearing Programmes. Defined terms are capitalised in the regulations.Applies unchanged
1.2Where there are exceptional circumstances resulting in a student’s performance being worthy of special consideration, as defined in the Regulations Governing Special Considerations (including Deadline Extension Requests) for all Taught Programmes and Taught Assessed Components of Research Degrees, a Board of Examiners, on the recommendation of a Special Considerations Board, has the authority to disregard aspects of these regulations and seek alternative evidence, or offer alternative methods or times for re-assessment, to show that the required learning outcomes have been achieved. Detailed guidance for Boards of Examiners is given in the Quality Handbook.Applies unchanged
1.3Schools may, with good cause, operate variations on the following Progression scheme. Normally such variations occur in order to meet the stipulations of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs), or where there are funding or fitness to practise conditions or legislative requirements in another country for a programme delivered under the University's Collaborative Provision Policy. Where Schools operate variations on the scheme this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations. In order to maintain oversight, Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee (AQSS), will review all variations on an annual basis for compliance with the criteria.Applies unchanged
1.4With the approval of AQSS Schools may operate an exemption from the following Progression scheme. Normally this will be for one year in order to bring the programme into line with the regulations. Where Schools operate an approved exemption this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations.Applies unchanged
2.Definitions specific to Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes
2.1The University standard Module Pass Mark for undergraduate students taking Modules at all levels is 40. Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require a Module Pass Mark that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations.


The Pass Mark for each Required Assessment will be as stated in the Part I Assessment Schedule found in the Appendix of the relevant Programme Specification

2.2The University standard Average Mark for a Part for undergraduate students on each Part of a programme is 40. Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require an Average Mark for a Part that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations.Exemption
2.3The University standard Qualifying Mark for undergraduate students taking Modules at all levels is 25 except for modules where credit only is being imported from an exchange or outgoing study abroad for which the Qualifying Mark is zero. Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require a Qualifying Mark that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations.Not applicable
AdditionAll Part I modules as detailed in the relevant Programme Specification are Required Modules for Engineering Programmes.
3.Criteria for Progression
3.1In order to progress to the next Part of a programme or to an award, as appropriate, all Modules and each Part must be Passed at the specified Pass Mark except as allowed in paragraph 3.4 below. Each Part must be successfully completed before the next Part is commenced.


In order to progress to Part II of an Engineering Programme, all Required Assessments must be Passed at the Pass Mark.  Part I Required Assessments must be successfully completed and Passed before Part II may be commenced.

3.2Some Parts of some programmes may in addition require a student to achieve an Average Mark for the Part which is greater than the University standard Average Mark for a Part. Details will be given in the relevant programme regulations and will be subject to annual review by AQSS. Regulations relating to Referral and Repeat to achieve an Average Mark for the Part which is greater than the Module Pass Mark are given in Section 6.Not applicable
3.3A student who wishes to transfer to a programme with Year in Employment in the title must progress from the relevant Part at the first attempt in order to proceed onto the Year in Employment module. A student must also meet any additional progression criteria for the substantive programme at the first attempt before proceeding onto the Year in Employment module as specified in paragraph 3.2Not applicable

Pass by Compensation

A student Passing all Core Modules and achieving or exceeding the University standard Average Mark for the Part, but failing to achieve the required Pass Mark in non-Core Modules totalling at most 15 ECTS (30 CATS), may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in those failed modules provided no Module Mark is less than the Qualifying Mark and (subject to meeting any additional requirements under paragraph 3.2) will progress to the next Part of the programme or to an award. In deciding whether a student may progress, these criteria are applied first and, if a Pass is so achieved, no Referral right is retained (except as specified in paragraph 6.1).

3.5A student who does not Pass has a right to Refer if eligible according to the Referral criteria laid out in paragraphs 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 and section 6 below. A student not eligible to Refer has a right to Repeat as laid out in sections 5 and 6 below.Applies unchanged
3.6Any Module failed by a student on an exchange or undertaking outgoing study abroad will count towards the credit limits for the volume of Compensatable Fails in 3.4 above or 4.1 below.Not applicable
AdditionA student passing Part I as defined in paragraph 3.1 or following Referral will be awarded the full credit for the Part (60 ECTS/120 CATS).
4.1For students who fail to progress under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 on a programme where all Modules in a Part have been designated Core in order to meet the stipulations of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, Referral is allowed in Failed modules in that Part totalling at most 30 ECTS (60 CATS) if permitted by the programme regulations.


For students who fail to progress under paragraph 3.1, Referral is allowed in up to 2 Required Assessments under Schedule A and in 1 Required Assessment under Schedule B of the Part I Assessment Schedule.

4.2A student who fails to progress under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4, and to whom 4.1 does not apply, may Refer in Failed Modules totalling at most 15 ECTS (30 CATS).Exemption
4.2.1A student Failing in Modules to a maximum of 30 ECTS (60 CATS) who has achieved the required Average Mark for the Part may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in eligible Modules up to a maximum of 15 ECTS (30 CATS). A student may then Refer in up to 15 ECTS (30 CATS) of further modules, with the constraints that all Core Modules and all Modules in which the mark obtained is less than the Qualifying Mark must be Referred and that Referrals may be taken only in the minimum number of credits needed to achieve a Pass in the Part, as long as doing so successfully would enable the student to Pass the Part. A student who cannot obtain a Pass through the permitted number of Referrals is required to Repeat the Part.
4.2.2If a Failed Module has a higher credit value than the student requires for Progression, the student may nonetheless be Referred in that Module.
4.2.3A student is not permitted to Refer in a Module that has already been Passed in order to improve the mark, except where programme regulations require the student to achieve an Average Mark higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part - see paragraph 6.1 below.
4.3The actual marks achieved at Referral are inserted into the previous marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 are applied again to determine Progression. However, the Referral marks will be Capped at the Capped Mark for all calculations related to degree classification.


The actual marks achieved at Referral are inserted into the previous marks profile and paragraph 3.1 applied again to determine Progression.

4.4A student failing to progress after Referral may Repeat the appropriate Part of the programme as laid out in section 5 below.Applies unchanged
4.5A student who fails the assessment for the Year in Employment module may Refer in the Year in Employment module assessment. This must be at the next available opportunity.Not applicable.
5.1A student who has not progressed to the next Part of the programme at the first attempt and who has either also not progressed after Referral (where permitted) or who does not qualify to take Referral assessments under section 4 above may Repeat the appropriate Part of the programme.


A student who has not progressed to the next Part of the programme at the first attempt, and who has also not progressed after taking Referral assessments or who does not qualify to take Referral assessments under section 4 above, may Repeat the appropriate Part of the programme.

5.2Section 3 of the Regulations and Definitions Applying to Progression for all Credit-Bearing Programmes should be consulted regarding the right to Repeat for students sponsored by the University to enter the UK.Applies unchanged
5.3Internal Repeat: A student choosing an Internal Repeat will be required to Repeat all Modules, including those Passed at the first attempt. A student choosing an Internal Repeat is not permitted to change to an External Repeat part way through the year. A student is permitted to select new Option Modules in place of the Option Modules taken at the first attempt. However a student will have no right to Refer in any Modules taken during the Repeat, including option Modules taken for the first time. The marks achieved at Internal Repeat will be inserted into the marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Progression. Marks for Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt, and for any new Option Modules substituted for such modules, will be Capped at the Capped Mark for all calculations related to determination of a final degree classification (see Section 8 below). For all other Modules the mark obtained at Repeat will be carried forward.


Internal Repeat: A student choosing an Internal Repeat will be required to undertake all Required Modules constituting the Part I programme and to Repeat all Required Assessments, including those Passed at the first attempt. However a student will have no right to Refer any Required Assessments taken during the Repeat. The marks achieved at Internal Repeat will be inserted into the marks profile and paragraph 3.1 applied again to determine Progression. A student choosing an Internal Repeat is not permitted to change to an External Repeat part way through the year.

5.4External Repeat: A student choosing an External Repeat will be required to Repeat those Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt or at Referral. The most recent marks for Modules not Repeated will be retained for determining Progression. The marks achieved at External Repeat will be inserted into the most recent marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Progression. The marks obtained during External Repeat and those arising from Referral will be Capped at the Capped Mark for all calculations related to determination of a final degree classification (see section 9 below).


External Repeat: A student choosing an External Repeat will be required to Repeat those Required Assessments in which the Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt or at Referral. The most recent marks for Required Assessments not Repeated will be retained for determining Progression. The marks achieved at External Repeat will be inserted into the most recent marks profile and paragraph 3.1 applied again to determine Progression.

5.5The Progression criteria for a Repeating student are the same as for the first attempt excluding the right of Referral.Applies unchanged
5.6Any Part may be Repeated only once. The programme of a candidate failing after Repeat shall be terminated.Applies unchanged
5.7A student may not Repeat the Year in Employment module.Not applicable

Section 6 (Referrals and Repeats for Integrated Masters Programmes and other Programme Parts with a higher required average); Section 7 (Minors); and Section 8 (Awards) are not applicable to students on Part I of the Engineering programmes in the School of Engineering.

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the programme specification.


As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.