Research group

Bioengineering Group

Student in a lab coat is looking into a microscope and showing results on the laptop infront of her

Our research focuses on the application of engineering principles and life sciences. We're exploring ways to solve problems across topics such as biology, medicine and healthcare.

Part of Engineering


Bioengineering science research spans multiple disciplines, and we can be seen in the wide range of facilities within the Biolab facility. 

Our group covers a variety of inter-related activities and we focus on: 

  • nutrient transport and absorption in blood vessels and plants 
  • biomechanics of joint replacement patients and amputees 
  • lab on a chip and sensors for therapeutics 
  • rapid diagnosis and tissue engineering for tissue regeneration and repair 


Research highlights

People, projects and publications


Professor Alex Dickinson


Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Alex

Dr Ali Mosayyebi

Senior Research Fellow
Connect with Ali

Dr Andrew Chipperfield BSc, PhD

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Modelling of physiological systems
  • Medical device design
  • Microvascular flows

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Andrew Hamilton

Associate Professor

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Bram Sengers

Associate Professor

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Caglar Ozturk BSc, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Biomedical Eng and Imaging

Research interests

  • Cardiovascular biomechanics
  • Medical devices
  • Soft robotics

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Caglar

Dr Charles Burson-Thomas

Connect with Charles

Dr Jack Denny BEng(Hons), PhD, CEng MIMechE, FHEA

Lecturer in Structures

Research interests

  • Blast effects on structures
  • Characterisation of complex blast propagation
  • Blast injury modelling

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Jack

Dr Katy Rankin

Senior Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Katy

Professor Markus Heller

Professor of Biomechanics
Connect with Markus
The needs of the user should be at the core of any new health technology.
Professor of Applied Biomaterials