Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Yanlong Hao, Qianwen Sun & Stephen Theriault, 2019, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 167(1), 23-33
Type: article
2019, General Relativity and Gravitation, 51(7)
Type: article
Georgios Katsianis, Ioannis Papadimitriou, Kostas Skenderis & Marika Taylor, 2019, Physical Review Letters, 122(23)
Type: article
Daniel Kasprowski & Christoph Winges, 2019, Journal of Topology, 12(2), 442-462
Type: article
Tingran Gao, Jacek Brodzki & Sayan Mukherjee, 2019, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 1-62
Type: article