Research project

Infer-Proven-ence: Capturing Provenance Information with Minimal Intrusion


Lead researchers

Professor Age Chapman

Professor of Computer Science
Connect with Age

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Débora Pina, Adriane Chapman, Daniel De Oliveira & Marta Mattoso, 2023
Type: conference
Rudolf Wittner, Petr Holub, Cecilia Mascia, Francesca Frexia, Heimo Müller, Markus Plass, Clare Allocca, Fay Betsou, Tony Burdett, Ibon Cancio, Adriane Chapman, Martin Chapman, Mélanie Courtot, Vasa Curcin, Johan Eder, Mark Elliot, Katrina Exter, Carole Goble, Martin Golebiewski, Bron Kisler, Andreas Kremer, Simone Leo, Sheng Lin-Gibson, Anna Marsano, Marco Mattavelli, Josh Moore, Hiroki Nakae, Isabelle Perseil, Ayat Salman, James Sluka, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia, Michael Sussman, Jason R. Swedlow, Kurt Zatloukal & Jörg Geiger, 2023, Learning Health Systems
Type: letterEditorial
Adriane Chapman, Luca Lauro, Paolo Missier & Riccardo Torlone, 2022, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(12), 3614–3617
Type: article
James Cheney, Age Chapman, Joy Davidson & Alistair Forbes, 2022
Type: bookChapter
Georgios Konstantinidis, Jet Holt & Age Chapman, 2021, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(2), 375–387
Type: article