Research project

NEUNEU -FP7- K. Zauner


Lead researchers

Dr Klaus-Peter Zauner

Associate Professor
Connect with Klaus-Peter
Other researchers

Emeritus Professor George Attard

Research interests

  • the primary focus of my research is on understanding the fundamental properties and behaviour of complex chemical systems;
  • the discovery that certain types of naturally-occuring glycosides, when formulated to produce self-assembled nanoparticles are potent modulators of immune responses;
  • the discovery that lyotropic liquid crystalline phases can be used as templates for the synthesis of nanostructured mesoporous oxides, semiconductors and metals, which led to the foundation of Nanotecture PLC, a University spin-out;
Connect with George

Professor Hywel Morgan MBE

Professor of Bioelectronics

Research interests

  • Microfluidics
  • Bio-sensors
  • Lab-on-a-chip technologies
Connect with Hywel

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Gareth Jones, Philip H. King, Hywel Morgan, Maurits R.R. de Planque & Klaus-Peter Zauner, 2012
Type: conference
Chinnu M. Abraham, Philip H. King, Klaus-Peter Zauner & Maurits R.R. de Planque, 2012
Type: conference
Philip King, Josephine C. Corsi, Ben-Hong Pan, Hywel Morgan, Maurits R.R. de Planque & Klaus-Peter Zauner, 2012, Biosystems, 109(1), 18-23
Type: article
Andrew Adamatzky, Julian Holley, Peter Dittrich, Jerzy Gorecki, Ben De Lacy Costello, Klaus-Peter Zauner & Larry Bull, 2012, Biosystems, 109, 72-77
Type: article
Gerd Gruenert, Peter Dittrich & Klaus-Peter Zauner, 2011, ERCIM News(85), 30-32
Type: article