Institute of Developmental Sciences


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Milanne Maria Johanna Galekop, Josept Maria del Bas, Philip C. Calder, Carin A. Uyl-De Groot & William Ken Redelop, 2024, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
Type: article
David Alexander White, Clare Pye, Katie Ridsdale, Munyaradzi Dimairo, Cara Mooney, Jessica Wright, Tracey Anne Young, Ying Cheong, Andrew Drakeley, Raj Mathur, Alicia O’Cathain, Lauren Desoysa, Anya Sizer, Elizabeth Lumley, Robin Chatters & Mostafa Metwally, 2024, BMJ Open, 14(1)
Type: article
Christopher D. Byrne, Giovanni Targher & Herbert Tilg, 2024, Gut, 73(4), 573-581
Type: article
Amie Steel, Harriet Gibson, Jon Adams & Danielle Schoenaker, 2024, BMC Health Services Research, 24(1)
Type: article