Professor Christopher Edwards

Professor Christopher Edwards

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108 publications
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Emma L. Williams, Stephen Gadola & Christopher J. Edwards, 2009, Rheumatology, 48(7), 716-720
Type: article
R.P. Allen, J. Beacroft, C.J. Bowen, A. Gay, L. Hooper, J.H. Burridge, C.J. Edwards & N.K. Arden, 2009, Rheumatology, 48(Supplement 1), 331-[i28]
Type: article
Catherine J. Bowen, David Culliford, Keith Dewbury, Madeleine Sampson, Jane H. Burridge, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2009, Rheumatology, 48(Supplement 1), 336-[i132]
Type: article
Anita Gay, Catherine J. Bowen, Lindsey Hooper, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2009, Rheumatology, 48(Supplement 1), 332-[i129]
Type: article
E.L. Williams, Helmtrud I. Roach, C. Cooper, Richard O.C. Oreffo & C.J. Edwards, 2009, Rheumatology, 48, i40-i41
Type: article
Catherine J. Bowen, Keith Dewbury, Madeline Sampson, Sally Sawyer, Jane Burridge, Christpher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2008, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 1(5), 1-7
Type: article
C.J. Edwards & G.R.V. Hughes, 2008, Modern Rheumatology, 18(2), 119-124
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, H. Syddall, K. Jameson, E.L. Williams, R. Polosa, R. Goswami, E.M. Dennison, N.K. Arden & C. Cooper, 2008, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 101(1), 41-47
Type: article
Riccardo Polosa, C. Di Mauro, B. Spampinato, L. Castelli, G. D'Amico, C. J. Edwards & C. Russo, 2008, JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 14(4), 219-221
Type: article
K. Visser, W. Katchamart, E. Loza, J. A. Martinez-Lopez, C. Salliot, J. Trudeau, C. Bombardier, L. Carmona, D. Van der Heijde, M. Dougados, J.W.J. Bijlsma, D.T. Boumpas, H. Canhao, C.J. Edwards, V. Hamuryudan, T.K. Kvien, B.F. Leeb, E.M. Martín-Mola, H. Mielants, U. Müller-Ladner, G. Murphy, M. Østergaard, I.A. Pereira, C. Ramos-Remus, G. Valentini & J. Zochling, 2008, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 68(7), 1086-1093
Type: article