Professor Christopher Edwards

Professor Christopher Edwards

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108 publications
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C.J. Bowen, K. Dewbury, M. Sampson, S. Sawyer, S.P. Bennet, J. Burridge, C.J. Edwards & N.K. Arden, 2007, Rheumatology, 46(Supplement 1), i30-i31
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, H. Syddall, R. Goswami, P. Goswami, E.M. Dennison, N.K. Arden & C. Cooper, 2007, Heart, 93(10), 1263-1267
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, C. Cooper, D. Fisher, M. Field, T.P. Van Staa & N.K. Arden, 2007, Arthritis Care & Research, 57(7), 1151-1157
Type: article
C.J. Bowen, K. Dewbury, M. Sampson, S Sawyer, S.P. Bennet, J. Burridge, C.J. Edwards & N.K. Arden, 2006, Rheumatology, 45(Supplement 1), p.i184
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, H. Syddall, R. Goswami, P. Goswami, E.M. Dennison & C. Cooper, 2006, Lupus, 15(4), 213-217
Type: article
Christopher J. Edwards, R. Goswami, P. Goswami, Holly Syddall, Elaine M. Dennison, Nigel K. Arden & Cyrus Cooper, 2006, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 65(3), 401-404
Type: article
Catherine J. Bowen, Keith Dewbury, Madeline Sampson, Sally Sawyer, Sarah P. Bennet, Jane H. Burridge, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2006, Rheumatology, 45(4 (supplement)), i95
Type: article
Nigel K. Arden, Sarah Crozier, Helen Smith, Frazer Anderson, Christopher Edwards, Helen Raphael & Cyrus Cooper, 2006, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 55(4), 610-615
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, 2005, Lupus, 14(6), 423-425
Type: article
C.J. Edwards, 2005, British Medical Bulletin, 74, 71-82
Type: article