Professor Christopher Edwards

Professor Christopher Edwards

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108 publications
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Catherine J. Bowen, David Culliford, Ruth Allen, James Beacroft, Anita Gay, Lindsey Hooper, Jane Burridge, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2011, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 4(1), 25
Type: article
Chee-Seng Yee, Vernon T. Farewell, David A. Isenberg, Bridget Griffiths, Lee-Suan Teh, Ian N. Bruce, Yasmeen Ahmad, Anisur Rahman, Athiveeraramapandian Prabu, Mohammed Akil, Neil McHugh, Christopher Edwards, David D'Cruz, Munther A. Khamashta & Caroline Gordon, 2011, Rheumatology, 50(5), 982-988
Type: article
Raashid Luqmani, Ravi Suppiah, Christopher J. Edwards, Rhodri Phillip, Joe Maskell, D.J. Culliford, David Jayne, Kimberly Morishita & Nigel Arden, 2011, Rheumatology, 50(4), 697-702
Type: article
Sarah L. Westlake, Alexandra N. Colebatch, Janis Baird, Nick Curzen, Patrick Kiely, Mark Quinn, Ernest Choy, Andrew J.K. Ostor & Christopher J. Edwards, 2011, Rheumatology, 50(3), 518-531
Type: article
P. Machado, I. Castrejon, W. Katchamart, R. Koevoets, B. Kuriya, M. Schoels, L. Silva-Fernández, K. Thevissen, W. Vercoutere, E. Villeneuve, D. Aletaha, L. Carmona, R. Landewe, D. van der Heijde, J.W.J. Bijlsma, V. Bykerk, H. Canhão, A.I. Catrina, P. Durez, C.J. Edwards, M.D. Mjaavatten, B.F. Leeb, B. Losada, E.M. Martín-Mola, P. Martinez-Osuna, C. Montecucco, U. Müller-Ladner, M. Østergaard, B. Sheane, R.M. Xavier, J. Zochling & C. Bombardier, 2011, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70(1), 15-24
Type: article
C.J. Edwards & E. Williams, 2010, Osteoporosis International
Type: article
Sarah L. Westlake, Alexandra N. Colebatch, Janis Baird, Patrick Kiely, Mark Quinn, Ernest Choy, Andrew J.K. Ostor & Christopher J. Edwards, 2010, Rheumatology, 49(2), 295-307
Type: article
Catherine J. Bowen, Lindsey Hooper, David Culliford, Keith Dewbury, Madeline Sampson, Jane Burridge, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2010, Arthritis Care & Research, 62(12), 1756-1762
Type: article
Christopher J. Edwards, 2010, Journal of Rheumatology, 37(1), 1-2
Type: article
C.J. Bowen, D.J. Culliford, K. Dewbury, M. Sampson, J. Burridge, L. Hooper, C.J. Edwards & N.K. Arden, 2009, Rheumatology, 49(1), 191-192
Type: article