Institute of Developmental Sciences


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Ryan Charles Kelly, Richard I.G. Holt, Lane Desborough, Shideh Majidi, Marissa Town, Diana Naranjo, Laurel Messer, Ethan Barnard, Jeannette Soderberg & Katharine Barnard-Kelly, 2023, Diabetic Medicine
Type: article
Georgia Metzgeroth, Laurenz Steiner, Nicole Naumann, Johannes Lübke, Sebastian Kreil, Alice Fabarius, Claudia Haferlach, Torsten Haferlach, Wolf-karsten Hofmann, Nicholas C.P. Cross, Juliana Schwaab & Andreas Reiter, 2023, Leukemia, 37(9), 1860-1867
Type: article
Rebecca J. Moon, Stefania D'Angelo, Christopher R. Holroyd, Sarah R. Crozier, Keith M. Godfrey, Justin H. Davies, Cyrus Cooper & Nicholas C. Harvey, 2023, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 108(9), e726-e733
Type: article
Alexander J.M. Dingemans, Max Hinne, Kim M.G. Truijen, Lia Goltstein, Jeroen Van Reeuwijk, Nicole De Leeuw, Janneke Schuurs-hoeijmakers, Rolph Pfundt, Illja J. Diets, Joery Den Hoed, Elke De Boer, Jet Coenen-van Der Spek, Sandra Jansen, Bregje W. Van Bon, Noraly Jonis, Charlotte W. Ockeloen, Anneke T. Vulto-van Silfhout, Tjitske Kleefstra, David A. Koolen, Philippe M. Campeau, Elizabeth E. Palmer, Hilde Van Esch, Gholson J. Lyon, Fowzan S. Alkuraya, Anita Rauch, Ronit Marom, Diana Baralle, Pleuntje J. Van Der Sluijs, Gijs W.E. Santen, R. Frank Kooy, Marcel A.J. Van Gerven, Lisenka E.L.M. Vissers & Bert B.A. De Vries, 2023, Nature Genetics, 55(9), 1598-1607
Type: article