Institute of Developmental Sciences


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Sarah Shaw, Sarah Muir, Sofia Strommer, Sarah Crozier, Cyrus Cooper, Dianna Smith, Mary Barker & Christina Vogel, 2023, Health Promotion International
Type: article
Marcus Karl-Heinz Auth, James John Ashton, Kelsey D.J. Jones, Astor Rodrigues, Dhamyanthi Thangarajah, David Devadason, Gemma Lee, Mashhood Ayaz, Huey Miin Lee & Jochen Kammermeier, 2023, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 108(12), 994-998
Type: article
Gary P. Leggatt, Eleanor G. Seaby, Kristin Veighey, Christine Gast, Rodney Gilbert & Sarah Ennis, 2023, Gene, 14(8)
Type: review
Michael Kriegbaum Skjødt, Joeri Nicolaes, Christopher Dyer Smith, Cesar Libanati, Cyrus Cooper, Kim Rose Olsen & Bo Abrahamsen, 2023, Bone, 175
Type: article
Carly A. Bobak, Maresa Botha, Lesley Workman, Jane E. Hill, Mark Nicol, John W. Holloway, Dan J. Stein, Leonardo Martinez & Heather J. Zar, 2023, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 77(3), 438-449
Type: article