Professor Vincent O'connor

Professor of Neurochemistry

Research interests

  • Molecular mechanism of synaptic function and dysfunction
  • Synaptic degeneration
  • Genetic models of synaptic and neuronal dysfunction

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Vincent


Research groups

Research interests

  • Molecular mechanism of synaptic function and dysfunction
  • Synaptic degeneration
  • Genetic models of synaptic and neuronal dysfunction
  • Molecular regulation of behaviour in model organism C.elegans
  • Translating understanding in basic neurobiology to drug regulation to clinical conditions

Current research

Neurodegneration:Synaptic proteostasis in health and disease.

Molecular Neurobiology: Antihelminthics and nematode paristes understanding and mitigation.

Chemical Biology: screening platforms for new drug targets.

Neurobiogy of organophosphate intoxication new routes to treatment.

Research projects

Completed projects

Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Medical Research Council