Research centre

Centre for Research on Work and Organisations

Image showing people working in a large office space.

We are a hub for research-active staff from the Department of Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour. We respond critically to academic, policy and practitioner debates around a broad range of work and organisations-related issues.

Part of Business

We have five main objectives: to stimulate research discussions and knowledge exchange; to engage in theoretical and empirical research, and publish it in relevant, reputable, and high-quality outlets; to engage in research which has an impact on individuals, policy makers, organisations, and societies; to receive funding for its members’ research through research councils and other funders, and via collaborations with business and professional bodies; to provide a knowledge foundation for research-informed teaching.

Child page cards

Research highlights

Informing policy for the future of work

During the Covid-19 pandemic, office workers had to migrate from the office to work from home.

Connect with us

To find out more about our work, contact our Centre Director Dr Naveena Prakasam.