Maritime engineering

A student crouches down to place a model boat into the water of the university towing tank, a researcher at her side
Make global trade and ocean exploration possible by designing, building and testing ships and offshore structures for extreme conditions. Develop the skills that you need to become a naval architect and marine engineer.

Build your technical, creative and analytical skills while using our engineering labs, wind tunnels, 138 metre towing tank and professional manufacturing facilities. Get inspired and challenged by engineers at the forefront of their field at a leading UK university for maritime engineering. You'll enter a global marketplace with a passion for creating ways of working in oceans and waterways that are better for the planet.

Maritime engineering courses

The courses you can choose to prepare you for a career as a marine engineer and naval architect.


Student stories

Research highlights

Our staff


Contact us

Get in touch. We're happy to answer your questions.
University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ
We're open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, UK time.