Research centre

Integrative Molecular Phenotyping Centre

Molecular Phenotyping researchers in front a computer screen

Southampton’s unique in-depth expertise in multi-omic technologies, combined with access to patient cohorts from world-leading collaborative clinical and commercial partners, aims to transform precision medicine across the disease spectrum, from cancer immunology to respiratory conditions.

The Integrative Molecular Phenotyping Centre (IMPC) brings together ’omic experts from across the University to use multi-omic data, in combination with clinical data, to better understand disease and enable more personalised and effective healthcare treatment and diagnosis.

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The combination of all the work we are doing at Southampton, particularly in the areas of cancer, respiratory and infectious disease, is changing the way we look at disease and places us as leaders in precision medicine.
Professor of Proteomics

Research highlights

Helping diagnose and treat COVID-19 more quickly

When COVID-19 hit in late 2019, a worldwide fight to beat it began. Our biomedics have taken on the challenge to diagnose it quicker and treat it better - with promising early successes.

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Connect with us

If you would like to receive more information about the Integrative Molecular Phenotyping Centre please contact the Institute for Life Sciences.