Research group

Operational Research

Road system from above

Operational Research (OR) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.

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Recently, I have focused mostly on robust optimisation and its applications in discrete choice modelling, portfolio optimisation and transportation.
My work in Operational Research develops new mathematical tools and theories to solve real-world problems in diverse settings; most recently disaster relief, production line optimisation, healthcare and transportation.
Professor of Operational Research

Research highlights

Discovering how to save cardiac patients' lives with deep learning

University mathematics expert Alain Zemkoho had worked on optimising decisions in areas such as transport. PhD supervision led to him and his team developing a way cardiologists can use hours, not seconds, of data provided by heart activity tests.

Eliminating cloud shadow impact on Earth observation imagery

Project will improve quality of airborne data used in forestry, agriculture and environmental monitoring.

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