Courses / Modules / AUDI1012 Biopsychosocial Basis of Audiology

Biopsychosocial Basis of Audiology

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 4
Module lead
Stefan Bleeck
Academic year

Module overview

Within this module you will be encouraged to reflect on your role as an audiology healthcare professional and the experiences of hearing impaired people beyond simply considering the changes to the functions and structures of the auditory system.

Central to this module is the international definitions and classifications for functioning, disability and health (ICF). Within that context, we will consider questions such as how health conditions can affect us and what it means to live with a health condition. In particular, you will learn about (1) how an individual’s health condition can lead to changes in body structure/function, to activity limitations and to participation restrictions; and (2) how those are affected by contextual factors including personal factors.

We will explore other health conditions/states that can be associated with hearing loss, the role of personal values/choices and the physical, social, cultural, attitudinal and health policy environment in which people live and conduct their lives, with a particular focus on Deaf culture.

These issues will be considered both within the current state of audiological healthcare as well as looking forward to future developments in audiological science, considering how these will impact our current understanding of living with health disability and functioning in the context of the ICF. In order to achieve that, we will explore a broad range of issues related to biology (including relevant anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the human body, from the cellular level to the level of whole body systems), health psychology, sociology, public health, health ethics and beyond!

This module together with Introduction to Hearing Science & Technology also includes a series of sessions on academic skills across the year in order to support you make the transition to undergraduate study in a scientific discipline.