Courses / Modules / EDUC6417 PGCAPM3_RDM: Enhancing Academic Practice: Research Design, Management and Supervision

PGCAPM3_RDM: Enhancing Academic Practice: Research Design, Management and Supervision

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Erika Corradini
Academic year

Module overview

M3_RDM provides an introduction to research design, management and supervision aspects of participants work. These will normally include developing research proposals and dissemination of the outputs of research activities, PhD supervision and management of research assistants. Typically, relevant polices, codes of practice, support processes and staff will be introduced.

Project based, participants focus on producing an output which allow them to develop their abilities in these areas. Core workshops will be provided but participants will be able to use RPL for equivalents already completed or substitute others according to their needs, as reflected by their experiences and role. Mentors within academic units will normally provide participants advice, supported by the CHEP team as required.