Courses / Modules / MATH6149 Modelling with Differential Equations

Modelling with Differential Equations

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Ian Hawke
Academic year

Module overview

The emphasis of this module is on the methods required to develop mathematical models using differential equations to understand physical problems. The module involves both conventional lectures as well as discussion lectures. The discussion lectures comprise structured group work in which small groups of students develop mathematical models to solve practical problems in partnership with one another and under the guidance of the lecturer (attendance at these discussion lectures is an essential part of the module).

After an introduction to the module there are four blocks, in which the opening lectures will introduce the students to a physical problem and subsequent discussion lectures will allow possible modelling methods to be explored. Some lectures on relevant mathematical theory will also be presented. After each block students will write a report describing their investigations.

Linked modules

Prerequisites: MATH2038 AND (MATH3018 OR MATH3052 OR MATH3072).